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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Idiotic Dipshits

My friend nearly got raped. I won't say who, that's not my place, but luckily she escaped. Then, like the dipshit doormat she is, doesn't tell anyone. FUCKING. MORON. You claim you want to change this world you hippocratic waste of space!? I don't care how many people claim that "You don't know what it's like. We can't just TELL someone". YES YOU CAN! Otherwise, you're a coward, living in fear for the rest of your life. Life, society and it's ways have won against you. You are THAT weak. You are pitiful. So lie on the ground like the doormat you are and enjoy your rape.


  1. what if shes scared? you making a blog about her being a coward is not helping. You calling a her a coward is not helping. YOU BEING MAD AT HER IS NOT HELPING!

    why did you even bring it up?

  2. Whoever this friend of yours is, that's a little harsh.

  3. Well it's what she deserves right now until she does something about it.

    And guess what Nevi? Fear = weakness. Weak people don't have a place on this earth. They get chewed up and spat out and people like HIM get to walk off free because they prey on the weak and useless.

    I'm not trying to help. I'm giving the truth.
