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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March Break

Hey again bloggers! Time for another Massacre. This post is brought to you by the powers of March Break and Ghebology. They go hand in hand of course but, then again, Ghebology will take any hand. I'm digressing so let's get this blog underway.

My entire March Break is planned and it feels good to be a teenager with plans. Yesterday was my birthday, I'm officially 16 years old now. It feels good, This is my first birthday in which I actually feel myself becoming a year older. For it I got a wickedly sweet slide show from my parents to the tune of "I Swear". Also I got my laptop, which I'm typing on right now.

Today Zera and Ippo are coming over followed by Neo later on. We'll get in some Dissidia: Final Fantasy training and I'll finally learn how to play Megaman Starforce. After we might play some Enchanted Arms or watch Kodomo No Jikan (A Child's Time), the SWEETEST ANIME EVER and it's about a love story between a 9 year old and a 26 year old. So yeah...

Tomorrow I'll hang out with Yuki. It's been a while since we've done that. Pretty much since I moved to Ching. It'll be nice to reminisce and catch up. Also I gotta hand her a picture of me and mom for Blaze's b-day gift. Hope she doesn't read this...

Thursday I'm going shopping with Abigail and Navi. I get to pick dresses out for them^^. It'll be awesome I can't wait. Abi also might pick something out from AE for me XD. I might be a doll too. Yay!

Friday is my party. Everyone will be there and it'll be so awesome. Dancing and video games, life is good. Ippo got a girlfriend and he's a lot happier now. Kitty came down on Monday (my b-day) and we hung out. She coming again on Saturday before Blaze's party (If anyone asks, the party starts at NOON *shifty eyes*). Blaze's party is at Wildwood on Saturday at 4:30...I mean NOON. Ahem. Moving on. I made a video journal that seems to be working out fine.

See you later people!


1 comment:

  1. You cannot Digress when talking of Ghebology, it is the most subject on the planet.
