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Saturday, June 26, 2010


Exams are over? Summers here? Swimming? Movies? Now that school's not in the way, it's time for a Massacre!

Well folks the moment we've all been waiting for has finally arrived. My exams are over and summer has blossomed! How did exams go, one might ask? Well Chrysanthemum is a life saver. He lent me his calculator that could do trigonometry, so my math exam went fine. I'm fairly sure that I've failed History but hell at least I tried. Food and Nutrition was easy as pie and only lasted 1 hour as opposed to the other ones that lasted an hour and 30 mins.

Me and Kitty capped summer off with a swim in my indoor pool which was fun. We discussed our plans for the week, including going on a job hunt with out friends this coming Tuesday at the Bramalea City Center, going to the movies afterward (I wanna see Prince of Persia personally) and the new Twilight: Eclipse movie coming out.

Things are going good folks. Except I haven't heard from Katherine in a while. Got really scared when the earthquake hit just north of Ottawa. Apparently it was a 5.0 magnitude and everyone at home felt it. I didn't feel anything because I was at school in Brampton. but Mr. Jakobec (excuse my spelling) came in the cafeteria saying mom was on the phone. That's when I found out. Hope you're ok sweetheart!

Till next time folks!
Stay strong.
Stay smart.
Stay clean.
And that's the 411.

1 comment:

  1. The earthquake was a magnitude 5.5 XD I felt that too...

    Prince of Persia is amazing... Go see it!
